Wednesday, April 11, 2007

1st public announcement April 2002

First drawing at the turn of the millenium 1999-2000.

An idea that was named The Memory Village and was envisioned in the form of an alternative interactive historical park where people could retrace and most importantly, relive the most crucial points of the history of the slave trade, from the prosperous period of the great African empires and Native American civilizations before the time of colonization, up to the revolt of the slaves of Ayiti (original spelling of Haiti) which gave birth to its independence as the first nation of free men and women, and the first black state of modern times, January 1, 1804.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Steps to a Day in the Memory Village

Memory Village 
Visitors are invited to relive, actively, the reality of the life and experiences of: Africans, slaves and revolted free blacks in the Americas. This historical village includes 7 (seven) main sites:
Title 1: Preparation
Site: Initiation house
Activities: Personal and group preparations; both spiritual and physical.
Title 2: Ancestors
Site : America-Europe-Africa houses
Activities: Experience aspects of peaceful daily village life of the people of the Americas, village life of Europe during the Dark Ages and one of the African kingdoms before colonization.
Title 3: Slave Trade
Site: House of Slaves replica prison, slave ship, auction block
Activities: Relive the capture of Africans, conditions of the slave concentration camp waiting for shipment on a slave ship, the middle passage and the sale of slaves in chains in Kiskeya (one of the Taino names for the whole island) on the auction block.
Title 4: Slavery
Site: Sugar Plantation
Activities: Experience the daily conditions of master and slave on the plantation during the colonial era.
Title 5: "Mawon" or Run Aways
Site: Taino and African-Haitian encampment
Activities: Relive the hospitable reception by the remaining Tainos to the escaped "Mawon" from the plantations as well as the sharing of cultural and scientific knowledge between the Tainos and African-Haitians.
Title 6: Revolt
Site: Bwa Kayiman (name of original historical location)
Activities: Participate in a recreation of the sacred ceremony in order to commit to work for freedom and against all forms of domination and exploitation.
Title 7: Healing
Site: Nourishment and Meditation Houses
Activities: Enter each space to participate in a celebatory meal and then meditate and share in group form about the possible actions for change in order to bring healing.